Spark | By : Xiophelia Category: Bleach > Yaoi - Male/Male > Grimmjow/Ichigo Views: 3165 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach nor do I make money from this. |
This is part of hopefully a two shot story. It has the potential to be more, this is my first foray into the Bleach world on this scale so please bare with me.
The sky was threatening the earth with rain, the dark clouds that rolled over were malicious. It had been like this all week, dark and gloomy. It certainly matched one young man’s mood as he allowed the crowd to shuffle him through the streets. Ichigo Kurosaki hadn’t changed all that much in the years that followed what was called The Winter War. He filled out a little more, gaining a few more inches in height and losing some of his baby fat. His bright hair, which garnered more attention than it should, was brushing just past his shoulders and tied into a ponytail. In the years that had passed there wasn’t a day he didn’t think about the war and what had been sacrificed to finally defeat Aizen. Lives lost had always been an integral part of war and nothing could ever change what fate had written. The Arrancar were taken away and not many had access to the information of what had happened to them. Ichigo knew Kyoraku handled the situation as best as he could and with grace. Ichigo’s respect for him had skyrocketed in the months that followed with the trials. He had been asked to sit in on some of them, including Grimmjow’s. The spark that had always been between them was there in the courtroom. Ichigo couldn’t ignore it and he knew it made Grimmjow uncomfortable as well. There was something that had demanded that they fight, to show the other that they were superior. The spark had always confused Ichigo, making him furrow his brow when Grimmjow sent furious glances his way. Maybe it had been because Ichigo was defending him somewhat. He knew none of the Arrancar truly followed Aizen except for maybe Szayel. He hadn’t been allowed to stay for the sentencing of the Arrancars, the information was only for Kyoraku and the Central 46. Ichigo didn’t like the secrecy, but it had been important for the safety of the Arrancars. He had been surprised that Kyoraku had kept the secret as well as he had, not blabbing it to Nanao who still served under him. The shift of responsibility had upset things in Soul Society for awhile as Kyoraku settled into the new position. It had been a long road for him, but Jyuushiro was by his side to ease things along like he always did. Ichigo had a deep respect for Jyuushiro Ukitake. No matter what the situation he had stayed by Kyoraku’s side. It reminded Ichigo of his own friends and how no matter what, they were always together. He wouldn’t have traded them for anything out there in the world. They were his to protect and he would to the day he died. Ichigo’s loyalty knew no bounds and it worried his friends since he focused on them too much. It was a lecture he had gotten at every turn when they visited him. Orihime had tried to set him up on several blind dates, but they had all failed. It was hard to date someone who hadn’t been through the evils of war or experienced the injuries that almost killed Ichigo on several occasions. He couldn’t connect with the various people whose name he couldn’t even recall to this day. Orihime had given up after the seventh date who had complained to her that Ichigo wasn’t personal and was a dismal man. Ichigo shook his head of such thoughts, now wasn’t the time to really be thinking about the past when he had his final exam. Besides, he didn’t have much to do with Soul Society these days. Ichigo had taken a hiatus as a substitute shinigami so he could live a normal life. There were the odd times he would have to help out if it seemed like the other shinigami wouldn’t be able to arrive in time to contain a hollow attack. Those instances were few and far in between and they rarely cut into his busy schedule. Ichigo was barely holding onto the careful balance he had now between school and friends. Traffic on the sidewalk stopped, the crosswalk like was red as vehicles zoomed by. The drivers didn’t even bother to glance to the sides, they were in a hurry much like the rest of Japan to get to their destination. Ichigo idly watched the cars go by, bored as he let his mind wander again before his attention was snagged by a familiar head of bright blue hair. Ichigo’s brown eyes narrowed as he watched the head of hair run, passing through bodies as it hurled towards a hollow, it looked like Grimmjow and it sparked Ichigo’s interest, that was in the park just across the street. Ichigo silently cursed as he backed away from the crowd of people and found a deserted alleyway. He slammed his badge into his chest and felt his soul disconnect from his body. It was a tingling sensation he would never get used to. He popped Kon into his mouth, the mod soul taking over his body and leaving the alley. To leave his body in the alley would be suicide for Ichigo and would be even harder to retrieve from the county morgue. Kon made his way back to Ichigo’s apartment, getting his body to safety so that it wouldn’t be damaged in case he wasn’t able to contain the hollow and Grimmjow. It was hard to tell what the former Arrancar would do, Ichigo hadn’t seen him in years. As he shunpo’d past the unsuspecting people, Ichigo braced himself for a battle against two enemies. It wouldn’t be an easy feat, but he’d grown over the years and was stronger after he had been able to reach Zangetsu and pull both him and his hollow back from the void. The strength and mental will that Ichigo needed to do that had exhausted him for days. His body had gone into a coma as his body and shinigami powers realigned themselves. Urahara didn’t have an answer, but that didn’t matter, not to Ichigo. He had his zanpakuto and hollow back, that was all that really mattered. A few moments later he caught up with Grimmjow and the large hollow in a children’s park. The place was deserted, not a soul in sight as Ichigo watched the two being(s) go at it. He’d forgotten how fast and agile Grimmjow was. The way his body moved when he was fighting was almost like watching an acrobat with the way it twisted. It was no surprise since he was almost like a cat. Ichigo watched them for a few minutes, until Grimmjow stumbled and was swatted away by the hollow, hitting a tree before he jumped back to his feet. The determined expression on Grimmjow’s face was new. Ichigo hadn’t seen it before, not to this intensity at least. It rubbed at something in him, telling him that there was more going on than what he thought. The way Grimmjow moved wasn’t as graceful as he used to be. Ichigo remembered cursing him when he moved so fluently that he couldn’t land a hit. He squashed his former frustration down and joined the fray, landing beside Grimmjow with ease. Not a word was said between them, there wasn’t any need, really. It didn’t take a genius to figure that Ichigo was here to help with the hollow problem. As they engaged the hollow together, Ichigo realized that this one wasn’t normal. It was too calculating, predicting their moves and seemed to realized that Grimmjow and Ichigo didn’t fight like true partners. It took advantage of that, striking at them and making them blunder their attacks. It was frustrating that they couldn’t seem to work together. The hollow taking advantage of their weakness was wreaking its havoc on them. If they didn’t defeat this thing soon, they would be in trouble. There was no doubt in Ichigo’s mind that this thing was a creation of Aizen’s, something that was probably missed when Soul Society cleared out Hueco Mundo. “I have an idea, but yer not gonna like it.” Grimmjow said when they were close in proximity. They needed to communicate; it was obvious they weren’t partners with the way they had moved. “Right now, I’d cut off my arm if it meant this damned thing would disappear,” Ichigo admitted, narrowly dodging a cero. He could feel the heat of it on his skin, burning the hairs off his flesh. “I can’t get close to it, but with two of us it should be possible. Ya ain’t gonna like it, but someone has to be a decoy.” Grimmjow dodged a cero that was aimed at him and rolled over to Ichigo, standing to gauge their enemy. “A distraction?” Ichigo asked, brown eyes flickering to the hollow that was hell bent on killing them. “Pretty much. If it’s concentrated on one of us then it won’t look for the other. It has a one track mind.” Grimmjow didn’t say anything else as he lurched forward and engaged the hollow again, giving Ichigo the opportunity to slip away and attack at the most opportune moment. If this didn’t end soon, Ichigo was sure they would die. [center]~*~[/center] Ichigo allowed Grimmjow to drag him to his apartment, his right leg had been damaged severely when he had went in for the final blow. It was worth it to crack the hollow’s mask and send it on its way. He was glad that the living couldn’t see him with the state he was in and Grimmjow wasn’t faring much better since he had been the decoy. Ichigo hadn’t expected them to fight so well side by side. It came as a shock more than anything. The fact that Grimmjow was willingly taking him to his home had Ichigo’s mind reeling as well. He hadn’t expected this coming from the former Arrancar since they had both disliked each other and tried to kill the other the first chance they had. This peace between them was different than the usual killing intent that sparked when they were near each other. They had fought together and had beaten an enemy by fighting like a well oiled machine. The thought scared Ichigo for a few long minutes as it sunk deep into his mind. He honestly didn’t want to think about that, especially how smooth Grimmjow moved as though he were at full power. It had been easy to see that he didn’t have all of his powers, Ichigo knew right off the bat when he couldn’t sense much reiatsu from Grimmjow. He wondered how well Grimmjow had adjusted to this new life years down the road. The apartment was in a good neighborhood which wasn’t what Ichigo expected. He was expecting Grimmjow to live in the rougher part of town since the Arrancar was of the violent variety. Apparently Ichigo had a lot to learn when they entered the apartment. It was clean, there were photos lining the wall of who could only be Grimmjow’s human friends. The thought of Grimmjow having friends struck Ichigo as odd. The Espada weren’t known for their camaraderie. It was weird and for a moment Ichigo wondered if he wasn’t in some sort of alternate universe. Gingerly he was set on the couch, Ichigo wincing when his leg came into contact with the bottom of the wood furniture. Ichigo grit his teeth against the pain, a reaction from the war to just bear it until Unohana or Hanataro to show up and heal him. This was a first for Ichigo and he realized just how reliable he had been on Unohana’s squad. Some members of the other squads knew simple healing kido, but it was limited and they didn’t quite have the talent that Unohana and Hanataro held. But it was enough to keep him going until his task was done. “Don’t be a pussy.” Grimmjow sneered as he grabbed the leg and looked at it. The cut was deep, almost down to the bone. Of course Ichigo had sparked something in him like he had always had, but Grimmjow could never name the emotion that he roused within him. He couldn’t do much with his own reiatsu, having never learned how to heal a wound. Szayel would make fun of him back in Hueco Mondo saying that he needed to learn. Grimmjow had scoffed that it was an unnecessary skill and one he didn’t really need. But now he had wished he had paid attention, even if he didn’t like Ichigo, he still owed him. “If you have needle and thread I can stitch it up.” Ichigo said after a few moments. He wasn’t above stitching his own leg up, he had done it before and it was something that almost came second nature to him. Brown eyes watched as Grimmjow snorted and gently placed his leg back to the floor. Ichigo was surprised that he could be so gentle, there was no hint of Grimmjow’s normally brash attitude or trace or his smart mouth. Ichigo was expecting something more but when it didn’t come he just shrugged it off. It bothered him more than he could say but this change in Grimmjow was something he didn’t understand. A few moments later Grimmjow returned with needle and thread as Ichigo had requested. When he had the needle in his leg, Ichigo didn’t so much as flinch at the pain. It was nothing compared to some of his past injuries since there were times he had his guts spilling out of his stomach. Ichigo had brushed against death more times than he could count and it was something that he had been used too. His father had apologized for the life he had to lead and Ichigo told him to stuff it. Ichigo was stronger because of what he was, the child of a Quincy and a Shinigami. Soon enough the skin on his leg was stitched up neatly, the lines criss-crossing nicely. Ichigo was nothing short of a perfectionist when it came to things like this. His fellow med students had made fun of him for being so dutiful to his studies and field work, but Ichigo ignored them in favor of what he knew was right. After the concentration was broken with his leg stitched up, Ichigo realized just how close he had been to death. It bothered him this time more than others because he hadn’t protecting those he cared about, he had taken off due to his curiosity about Grimmjow and what he was doing. If he had ignored the former Espada, would Grimmjow sitting across from him and scowling at him? Suddenly Ichigo needed to feel something more than the pain that was rippling through him. It was instinct more than anything and he wondered if it was his zanpaktou taking over and driving his motions. Sometimes Ichigo lived on just pure instinct alone and loved how it felt to just be free to his baser needs. Ichigo’s hand reached out and pulled Grimmjow closer, examining the injuries on his face and upper body. Grimmjow’s injuries weren’t as extensive as Ichigo’s since they were only surface wounds. They weren’t serious enough to need attention this moment and he wondered where his gigai was. The thought was gone a second later when Grimmjow’s lips were pressed against his. There was something familiar in the kiss, it was the same desperate feeling that was in Ichigo’s soul. The need to feel alive was evident with the way Grimmjow’s lips moved against his, trying to pop Ichigo’s open with his tongue. But Ichigo wasn’t relenting as he pressed back with his own dominating kiss. His hands buried into bright blue locks and pulled Grimmjow’s head down closer. It was a fight between them, Ichigo knew that. Things would never be peaceful between them and yet he craved this with Grimmjow. The way they fought made Ichigo feel something more than the fear and hopelessness from earlier. He fell into the movement of their bodies against each other, the way Grimmjow’s hard body felt pressed against him sparked a fire. He was feeling more alive with every stroke of tongue and every attack for dominance. Grimmjow was a prideful creature and wouldn’t go down easily, Ichigo knew this from past experience. It would take more than coaxing to get Grimmjow to submit to him. But that would be half the fun since Ichigo enjoyed a good challenge. Despite the pain in his leg Ichigo was able to flip their positions on the sofa and lean over Grimmjow. They were a hair’s breadth away from each other, Ichigo’s hair falling down to touch the cushion as he stared down into luminescent eyes. There was the same need in them as Ichigo had in his own dark brown eyes, it was the desire to feel something other than the pain and desperation to live in an impossible situation. There was understanding written on Grimmjow’s face as Ichigo leaned down for another kiss, this time he was allowed access to the wet, warm cavern. He pushed his tongue deep into Grimmjow’s mouth, finding his tongue and pressed against it, coaxing it to life. The spark was there between them, flickering between them as Ichigo pressed his groin down to meet Grimmjow’s. Their erections touched through the fabric, sliding against each other. Ichigo felt pleasure spark through his body at the contact, it had been too long since his last partner. The raw need that passed from him to Grimmjow consumed him, making him feel more alive than he had ever felt before. No one had ever put him into a frenzy like this before and burning his veins so hotly. Ichigo was falling into a spiral of lust as they divested each other of their torn clothes so that only bare skin remained. It was a flurry of kisses between them, teeth nipping at skin as both men fell further into the frenzy that surrounded them. Ichigo had long forgotten about the painful throb in his leg as his muscles flexed as much as they could. He nipped down Grimmjow’s chest, leaving marks along the way as his fingers wrapped around the cock that was bouncing on his stomach. “Shit!” Grimmjow cursed when he felt the warm fingers wrap around his burning erection. They danced up and down his shaft, leaving a hot trail of pleasure as he bucked up. He wanted to flip Ichigo over and show him who was dominant but the way his body was being played was distracting him. “I want to hear more,” Ichigo growled, flipping Grimmjow to his stomach. He was addicted to the sound of the pleasured gasps that left the Espada’s mouth, filling the room. Ichigo brought his face to Grimmjow’s ass and nipped each cheek, making sure to scrape his teeth against the shivering flesh. He felt the thighs under his hands tremble with need as he continued to worship the globes in front of them. Using his thumbs, Ichigo spread the cheeks wide until he could see the small pucker hidden between them. His tongue swiped over the hole, making the muscle twitch as Ichigo dipped it inside. He felt it resist at first, trying to push his tongue back out but Ichigo wouldn’t be defeated. He fought against Grimmjow and used his hand on the other’s cock to get him to loosen up. As Ichigo pushed deeper, the muscle gave way, stretching to accommodate his tongue. He knew Grimmjow was enjoying this from the way he shivered under his touch and the sounds that left his lips. When he felt that Grimmjow was loose enough Ichigo pulled back and placed an open mouthed kiss against the fluttering hole. He chuckled when he heard Grimmjow threaten to kill him, at least that hadn’t changed with this sudden intimacy. Ichigo was relieved that nothing had changed since they were engaging in sex, he would have bolted if it had. “Don’t think yer gonna fuck me that easily.” Grimmjow growled when Ichigo had pulled away and turned around. He pushed Ichigo down to the sofa, those bright eyes glowing with a fire Ichigo had only seen when they were trying to kill one another. It was that fire that had Ichigo submitting to Grimmjow for now as he was kissed roughly. Ichigo wondered who taught him how to kiss since he did it so well. It couldn’t have been when Grimmjow was still in Hueco Mundo since back then all they did was try to kill Ichigo and strive towards Aizen’s goal. The thought was gone when Ichigo felt Grimmjow’s cock rock against his own, precome slicking the skin. They were drowning in each other, the passion they felt was making them feel alive and fueled their bodies. It drove them to a carnal frenzy as they bit each other, leaving marks on already injured skin. Ichigo didn’t stiffen when he felt slick fingers trail down the crack of his ass. He was expecting Grimmjow to be rough with him but the gentle prodding of fingers had proven him wrong. The skill that those fingers had working him open astounded Ichigo. They were warm despite being in their spiritual form. He’d had sex before with Shuuhei and Renji, but it was always when they had a gigai when they were visiting the world of the living. Soon enough Grimmjow’s cock was pressed into him slowly. The head of his erection trailed a blazing fire inside Ichigo. He clawed at Grimmjow’s back just above the hollow hole, it wasn’t as pronounced as it once was, only taking up a small portion of his stomach. Ichigo’s fingers danced around it, fascinated with the power that seemed to pool there and danced along the edges. The way Grimmjow moved in him was pure bliss, he was rough with Ichigo like they were tangled in one of their battles from the past. There was nothing sweet about the way he drove into him over and over again. It was what they both needed as life sparked in them as pleasure coursed through them and fed the other’s desire. This was what it meant to be alive and to feel it with another person was a high that Ichigo couldn’t run from. He whispered Grimmjow’s name like a prayer that would bring him release. Eventually it would but right now the other was concentrated on fucking Ichigo until he was sore. They were close to the precipice of release as they drove each other there with every thrust and scratch. Ichigo couldn’t stop himself as he bucked against Grimmjow’s cock, trying to draw it deeper into him. But the Espada had control and went at his own pace as he rolled his hips. They fell together when Ichigo’s nails dug deep into Grimmjow’s skin and drew the blood, the smell mixing with the scent of semen. Ichigo dropped his head to the hand rest of the sofa, closing his eyes. Grimmjow’s head fell to his heaving chest as they both laid and reveled in the intensity of their orgasm. Ichigo would have bitched at Grimmjow for not using a condom, but they weren’t in gigai’s so it didn’t matter all that much to him. He felt alive for the moment and was reminded that he was still breathing and that he could still feel. 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