A Huntress In Hueco Mundo | By : Groffiction Category: Bleach > General Views: 2691 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This is fanfiction, which means I make no money off of it, nor do I own Bleach or its characters, settings, yadda yadda yadda. Don’t sue. I am broke. Period. I am only writing this for fun, nothing else. I DO own Night, Lisa, |
Title: A Huntress In Hueco Mundo
Author: Azriel, groffiction
Beta(s): astiga0802 & cinnamontea1877 from LJ
Fandom: Bleach Au
Rating: NC17 all the way.
Pairings: Aizen/Night, Ulquiorra/Max, Grimmjow/Lisa, Ichimaru/Jade, Stark/Ryu.
Disclaimer: This is fanfiction, which means I make no money off of it, nor do I own Bleach or its characters, settings, yadda yadda yadda. Don’t sue. I am broke. Period. I am only writing this for fun, nothing else. I DO own Midnight Onyx, Lisa Trinity, Max Farthing, Jade Hollinger, Ryu Livingston, and anything to do with them their world, and other original characters. No touchy.
Summary: Midnight Onyx and her best friends Lisa, Jade, Ryu, and Max are part of a Dragon community that parallel’s the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. This world in which they live in also parallel’s Ichigo’s world and is very similar. The only fact is that their world is called Nemrid, and all of the ‘humans’ are Shifters… beings that can change their form into animals, plants, etc. Unfortunately (or fortunately =D), Onyx and her friends stumble on a gateway that unknowingly leads them to Hueco Mundo, which in turn leads them to King Aizen and his family of Espada. And it just so happens to be during the shifter’s ‘seeking’ stage… the stage that comes right before mating season.
*Author’s Note* Just to warn everyone, my stories are NC17 or Mature for a reason. This reason is simple. Language, violence and shmex (usually the graphic kind) are too intense and mature for people under the age of 17. Be responsible. Don’t be an idiot. Also, the world that the friends come from is just like ours… with a few odd additions. One being that everyone can shape shift into an animal, plant, etc. The second is that everyone is trained for war, and is built to love war. Peace is something that only people dream of.
Prologue: Starving
Midnight Onyx, or ‘Night’ as her friends fondly called her, yawned and got out of bed. It was early… not even dawn yet, but she was wide awake. The small, curvy woman of 26 had a knack for only sleeping two hours a night. Still… it was depressing really, when all of your buddies and family slept more than eight. So, she did what she always did and found something to entertain herself with.
She quickly took a shower and washed her hair with her favorite strawberry scented shampoo. After scrubbing herself clean with a bright blue loufa (scrunchee) drenched in strawberry scented soap, she turned off the shower and toweled herself dry with a big fluffy black towel. She combed her short blond spiked hair and fluffed it a bit with gel to make it stand in odd directions. Satisfied, Night brushed her teeth and dressed in a long sleeved black shirt and matching dark jeans. Putting on her boots, she firmly strapped a dagger to her ankle and a matching one to her thigh.
Heck… in this world, you never could be overly careful.
She put on a black trench coat/hoodie and strapped her long black laced with crimson sword to her back. She put the hoodie’s cowl over her head and quickly left her sister’s house out the window, silent as a grave. It was nearing the mid part of October, and the chill of the night air stung the huntress’ cheeks. As she breathed in the crispness, she briefly looked up at the four moons… ever present in the night sky. The night itself was pitch black, despite all of the light pollution reflecting from the city.
She sighed, blowing out a deep gust of steam and roof hopped onto several nearby houses. Soon, she was in the heart of the city, its tall skyscrapers towering over the land they were built on. Quickly glancing around with her blue green eyes, Night figured the coast was clear. She blinked and suddenly she was a tall black winged cat with dark blue tattoos zigzagging over her frame like a tiger’s stripes. A long mane of hair as blue as a brilliant opalesque sapphire topped her head and shoulders… her tail was tipped with the same matching hair. Long canines adorned her mouth and she hunted prey.
Keeping stealthily to the shadows of the towering buildings around her, Night sniffed out her prey… a large demon with enough spirit pressure to kill an ox. She grunted in her cat dragon like form, not too thrilled by that small fact. She was used to draining large spirited demons, but this one would do for the night. She had fed the night before on a large demon, so it wasn’t as much of a bother.
A high pitched clicking noise jolted her out of her huntress mode and she turned to see one of her best friends, Lisa come in sight, transformed into her own dragon like creature. Lisa was more wolf than cat, but that didn’t stop the two from being best friends ever since Kindergarten. Lisa’s odd but gorgeous golden eyes studied her friend for a moment before going over and brushing against the cat in a friendly matter.
How in God’s name did you know I was out here, and why are you awake still? It’s four thirty and you need to go to school today. Night asked telepathically. Lisa was in college, training to be a military assassin for the Royal Guardians of Nemrid. Night was also in college, training to be a Guardian, which was the highest rank anyone could get in the lands of Nemrid. But, luckily she only needed two hours sleep.
I haven’t seen you in a week and wanted to call, but never got the chance. Now I have the chance to see you and why not help you hunt? Lisa laughed softly, the noise sounding more like a wolfish snort. Night regarded her friend with a very wary eye. Lisa was wolf like, being silver with four silver feathered wings. Black spikes made a trail down her back from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. A ping tongue lolled out of her mouth in a silly manner as the wolf dragon animal chuckled.
Suddenly a beautiful red dragon with jade eyes appeared next to Lisa. The dragon had fire glinting scales all over her body and her wings were flat on her back. A long tail wrapped around her legs and she sat next to her friend.
Night sniffed and rolled her eyes. She shook her head in amusement, scattering glossy blue hair in the process. If it’s not you, Lisa… then it is Jade. You two are inseparable. You know, this would be all perfect and all if Max and little Ryu were here.
Lisa snorted with mirth. Been there, done that. She shifted aside as their other best friends, Max and Ryu came up behind her. Both were also in their shifted forms. Max was in the form of a tall grey snow dragon, fur covering nearly all of his body from head to wings to tail. His brown eyes blinked tiredly as he squatted down next to his friends. He yawned hugely, showing a long line of sharp white teeth. He had black freckles on the bridge of his soft nose, and had a long line of white speckles that twirled around his torso and ended at the tip of his tail.
With his sleepy eyes and fluffy appearance, Night almost mistook him for a cute stuffed grey polar bear. He grumpily asked, Is there a point to this excursion in this late hour? I have finals at nine hundred hours.
You wanted to come, so quit complaining. Lisa shoved him lightly, carefully avoiding hitting him with her long spikes.
Ryu grumpily looked at everyone, a bit tired himself. He was in a shifted form of a horned demon dragon, complete with fire red mane and tail, black body with dark cherry talons for feet. Looking a bit put out, the demon dragon warily sighed, his vivid green eyes flickering with ever present irritableness.
Lisa playfully swatted at the younger dragon and then turned to their leader and asked, So… where’s the meat?
In a parallel world situated just outside of the Soul Society lay Hueco Mundo… a desertous place of sand, crystallized trees, and an ever present crescent moon centered in an ink black sky. No color existed there except on strange creatures that made the place their home. One such creature was a small child like Arrancar, former third Espada Nel. Her bluish green hair was all over the place as she tried to run screaming from her friends. It was an old game they entertained themselves with in order to pass the long endless days and nights in Hueco Mundo. Peshe, a thin purple grey hollow with a twisted sense of style finally caught Nel in the game of tag and laughed. Their other two friends reached them and sat down panting.
Nel looked around and said in a whine, “It’s so boring here without Itsygo.”
“Ichigo.” Peshe corrected her.
“Whatever.” Peshe gave up and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked over at his large clown like friend. “She’s right though.”
“Yeah. Man, I am so tired of playing the same games over and over. You know what I’m saying?” The clownish hollow, Dondochakka sighed and looked at Nel. “No offense, Nel.”
“It’s ok.” She brushed him off and looked around. “I wonder how long it’s been since Itsygo and his friends where here?”
“Hmmm….” Peshe thought for a moment then sighed, “About forty five years.”
“Damn.” Nel surprised everyone by cursing.
“NEL!!! You shouldn’t curse like that! Who even taught you how?” Peshe exclaimed, shocked.
“I have a pretty good idea who did. You know what I’m saying?” Dondochakka rumbled and clucked, “It was Ichigo, wasn’t it Nel?”
“So what?” Nel asked nobody in particular. “I wonder if he’s all old and grey now. I wonder if he died and went to the Soul Societeeee. I miss him.”
“We do too.” Peshe nodded, their other two friends agreed.
Nel sighed and looked over to the north of them… and there stood the great powerful fortress Las Noches, a palace of the great King Aizen and his followers the Espada. “I wonder if Itsygo is happy.”
“He should be. He managed to defeat nearly all of the Espada and took that boobilicious woman with him. What was her name? Ori… Oriii… Orihime! And Aizen ordered a cease fire on Soul Society so he could regain his resources and power up with the orb thingy (Hogyoku).” Peshe grumbled.
Nel let out a wail. “I miiissss ITTTSssyyyGOOoooo.”
Her friends sighed and tried to comfort her as best they could, knowing that it would pass… this feeling of absolute loneliness.
In the great palace Las Noches, Gin Ichimaru made his way through the white halls, an almost ever present smile on his fox like face. It had been forty five long years since Aizen had been forced to retreat… no… not forced. Aizen would never be forced to do anything. More like it had been that long since Aizen chose to regroup and strengthen their forces.
They had lost many surprisingly to the Soul Reapers, especially because of the substitute Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki. Among them had been Nnoitra, the Fifth Espada, Yammy, the Tenth Espada, Szayel, the Eighth Espada, and a few others of the Espada class that Gin never really remembered their names. They had been replaced of course. So all that remained from the original Espada were Stark, the Primera Espada, Ulquiorra, the Fourth Espada, and lastly Grimmjow, the Sixth Espada. Everyone else was new or newer. Frankly, Gin never could figure out how those three had been spared death from Ichigo and his friends.
Gin sighed softly and moved brusquely to the throne room, where Aizen and the original three Espada were congregating. Ever since the cease fire, Aizen had become closer (if you could call it that) to his original surviving Espada, involving them in more discussions and decisions… as well as spending more time training with them. As he reached the throne room, Kaname Tosen appeared beside him.
“Ooohhh… are you trying to scare me, Kaname?” Gin asked in that eerie, yet disturbingly sexy voice of his.
The blind dark skinned man sighed softly. “As if I would.” He then said softly, “I am to see Lord Aizen as well.”
“How interesting.” Gin mused as he and the other former Shinigami entered the room.
Lord Aizen lounged on his throne sipping some herbal tea to help his reoccurring headaches. They had become more frequent lately and he didn’t understand why. Maybe it had to deal with the fact of his illness.
Either that or it was just a reaction to the Hogyoko and using it so much lately. He didn’t know. It annoyed him to no end that he for once couldn’t understand something. He was used to knowing much, MUCH more than anyone else. He had precious little time left to fulfill his wishes. Sweat dripped down the back of his long white jacket, a signature trademark of his reign. His hair was a bit matted more than usual, and his eyes were a bit tired. Other than that he looked the same on the outside.
Gin and Kaname both noticed the little changes though, even though one was completely hindered by a visor. Both bowed to their commander. Gin then took in where the Espada were lounging. Grimmjow was in his usual place, sprawled out on a big throne like box underneath Aizen’s feet. He was chewing on a lesser hollow bone, his large turquoise eyes taking in the two Generals. After a minute, the arrancar looked away, grunting.
Ah… Grimmy is acting thorny as usual. Gin noted with a bigger smile. He then took in Ulquiorra’s presence, who was located near the throne, leaning up against a pillar. His vivid green eyes boredly regarded the Generals as well. He coughed slightly and winced, an unusual act that wasn’t lost on the two former Shinigami. Did the arrancar have a cold? Did Espada even get colds? Stark was the last one to be surveyed. He was sitting near Grimmjow’s sprawled form and was reading a book.
Wait… wait… WAIT? Gin gaped slightly in surprise. Each one of the Espada had no remains of their broken masks, and their hollow holes were much smaller! And… what’s this? They were wearing BLACK! Each one was wearing Espada clothing only in black with color coordinated sashes. Grimmjow’s matched his turquoise hair and eyes. Ulquiorra’s was emerald. Stark’s was grey. Gin very quickly returned his face back into his own mask of a fox with the closed eyes and eerie grin. “Aizen-sama… you managed to perfect the Espada?”
Kaname took in a deep breath to cover his shock. If Gin was right… which he usually was… then Aizen had the power now to make the King’s Key without mishaps! Perfecting the Espada was a long process, but not impossible. It was a key ingredient into draining power from the ultimate source… instead of taking thousands of lives and dealing with the Soul Society.
Aizen rubbed the bridge of his nose with his trademark smirk on his handsome face. Brown eyes regarded his Generals carefully. He chose his words very carefully. “Yes… but in so doing… I used up a bit too much of the Hogyoku. There is very little left.”
“You still haven’t found a way to recreate it?” Kaname asked carefully, not wanting to offend his leader.
Aizen rubbed his head furiously, willing the headache that had turned into a full blown migraine to go away. “I have found a way… but it will take time… much more time than we have.”
“Whatever do you mean, Aizen-sama?” Gin asked delicately. He knew that his master had headaches. And when he had massive ones, he was more or less unpredictable… even more so than normal.
Aizen dropped his hand and closed his eyes. After a few seconds he opened them and peered at his subordinates. “The only way to recreate it is to get Kisuke Urahara to make it for me… but I have very little time left to try and persuade him to our purpose. He is happily married now with Yoruichi Shihoin and they have a family. They now live in the same palace that we want to take over.”
“Ah.” Kaname and Gin said together, but then Kaname asked gently, “Aizen-sama… what do you mean by having very little time?”
Grimmjow growled low in his throat, causing both Generals to look at him suspiciously. Aizen smiled a real smile for a change and calmed the obsessive Espada by saying, “It is alright, sexta Espada. I wanted to tell them anyway.”
Since when did Grimmy get all protective of Aizen? He usually is the one who hates being leashed. Gin thought as he surveyed both Espada and master.
Aizen stood and walked down to his Generals. Grimmjow and the other Espada got up from their places and protectively fell behind their master… just in case. Aizen came up to stand before the two loyal servants and sighed softly, his face turning deadly serious.
“The truth is, gentlemen… I am dying.”
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