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Reviews for Straitjacket Feeling

By : TheresMoneyInThis
  • From JOler on May 30, 2011
    Not too surprised about Kiyone being preggers given her love of 'doing it'. Kind of wondering about Soi Fon ... And it would be interesting to see another pregnancy occur that Szayel would be surprised about because only he could be the daddy.

    The various conversations were interesting ... Question is will Mayuri find out that volunteer number two didn't go 'all the way' somehow (recording the conversations, one not able to keep a secret, guilt finally making her confess ... Or what ever)? Of course Kiyone and Nanao's convo might be interesting too ... And I'm sure a paternity test will eventually take place when it is deemed possible without jeopardizing the experiment.

    Can't wait to see the second round of participants or the next Captain's meeting with progress reports as well as another attempt at recruiting more squadrons to support the experiment now that there is a potential second pregnancy ... Wonder if his genetic material might alter the embryo if she was already pregnant but it was too early to tell ... That might be interesting too (Kiyone's child being positive on the paternity tests to both Sentaro and Szayel equally ... or if a rarer than rare twin is created ~ one stronger with Sentaro's genes and one stronger with Szayel's).

    Must admit I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Rangeku is a volunteer and that she manages to get 'knocked up' too and carries to term. ... Will have to see if it happens or not ... Also wondering if all the Espada are dead or if most are dead, Szayel was captured, and a few retreated to Hueco Mundo once Aisen was defeated/driven out since destroying all of the hollows would more or less destroy the balance that exists (the reason for the discord between the shinigami and the Quincies). Favorite partner with Rangeku is Nnoitra but since he isn't available it would be nice to see her in the mix and viewed as a 'junior' mate with Nemu as the 'senior' mate.

    Also wonder if the first set of volunteers will be sent back for another round or two due to possible bad timing. Fertility cycles can vary some and only really last for a few days (hence the relative success of the rhythm method of contraception ... So the timing might have been off). Again ... Will have to wait and see.

    Great fic.
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  • From JOler on May 28, 2011
    Glad they will both get a chance to sleep ... Think after his energy expenditure, Szayel will need more sleep than he's been needing ... (and from personal experience ... Nemu will need more sleep and more mini meals as things progress ~ babies demand lots of nutrients even though they compress the stomach). Hope that between Unohanna, Isane, and Akon something can be worked out (or the couple can be 'rescued').

    Still surprised Mayuri 'trusted' Szayel enough to not check for semen deposits after the fact since bathing will wash away most traces from what I've heard.

    Still wonder what the first volunteers say and/or feel afterward. Will any chats take place? Any rumors start? Any surprising pregnancies occur with the ones who did opt to 'go all the way' with the participation? Will any come back for a second, third, fourth ... session with Szayel?

    If any (positive sounding rumors) spread will more volunteers come forward whether their squadron officially supports the experiment or not?
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  • From JOler on May 26, 2011
    Hmmm ... Wonder if any of the participants will talk about their experiences with their other female friends, regardless of squad. Lol ... Gotta wonder if any females from Mayuri's own squad (besides Nemu) will volunteer or if females not in the supporting squads will volunteer or petition their commander to change his stand and begin supporting the experiment because of whispered gossip of how awesome Szayel's bedroom skills are.

    Hmm ... Do you think you might have a chapter showing Szayel welcoming his final 'visitor' of the day leaving and giving him a chance for some 'down time' and sleep (he's used far more energy in the last several hours than he has since the start of the war). Perhaps we can see/hear the first participants after their visit with Szayel? Just wondering how they are feeling once they get a little time to reflect on everything. It would also be interesting to see what kind of reports would be given if Mayuri or the squad captains requested a report ... for information and safety purposes only of course ... Hollow breeding practices are not often seen and such being sited as a possible reason. For some reason I get the feeling that if any of the volunteers friends knew the volunteer is participating ... The question "so ... Do tell ... What was it like? Was it totally gross? Was he any good? If ya had the chance would ya do it with him again?" would come up at some point (or over a drink at the bar) and might even be overheard and gossiped about by others ...

    Glad the reviews are helping. I try to ask questions or suggest possibilities that might or might not have been considered. Hmmm might be why I've been the muse for another popular author on another (YuGiOh site) for several years. I figure since you enjoy a particular pairing (several fics with a set pair suggest this preference) that if the questions or suggestions don't work for the current fic they might work for a future fic ... Like if the situation were reversed (could see Szayel cloning her ~ him keeping the original for himself of course ~ and bringing in others to see the viability if she was the prisoner). Unfortunately I'm not a huge fan of seriously AU fics so I usually quit reading them after the first paragraph or two ...

    Actually I kind of like the basic idea behind this fic and wonder what would happen if one or more of the others would have been kept for observation ... Well Szayel too ... Since he is the one you like to have with Nemu and getting her pregnant would open up possibilities for all of the others ... Though it would be safest if the espada was either drugged into doscility or controlled in some way to prevent danger to the female partner.

    Story is sounding great so far.
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  • From JOler on May 24, 2011
    Love the deal with the second candidate. Hmmm ... Due to Szayel's participation being under duress, and the squads sending 'volunteers' who may or may not truly want to participate I could see Mayuri insisting on a post participation swab being done to ensure the presence of male genetic material having been deposited to ensure both members participate as required for the experiment ... A condition not told to the participants until after the fact (you know he'd use it to say Szayel didn't fulfill his part of the agreement and let him break his word using that as a valid reason ... Of course he could also inform the commander of the female in question and insist she return to participate as agreed or request one or more willing substitute(s).) Mayuri seems to be the type to ensure the required conditions are met in order to get true statistical data for his research.

    I'm glad to see Szayel showing that he isn't all bad. The second participant is much better and if she is sent back to participate the way that is required ... I could see him caring for her almost as much as he does for Nemu. If the swab test IS done afterward it might be good to have word of it reach the other volunteers as well as him so all involved can find a way to pass the test and avoid the repercussions.
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  • From JOler on May 23, 2011
    Just reread my last review. I wasn't trying to dictate anything, just asking 'what if' scenarios that could possibly stem from the events to this point.

    I.e. There is no way we know which squads are supporting the experiment or what their female body count is ... And if each supporting squad is sending candidates then it is possible that some squads may be sending all of their female members, or to 'be fair' a male captain could draw names to fill what he considers his quota if only one or two actual volunteers step forward.

    Rengeku's first lover is usually assumed to have Gin and we know she is a huge flirt. There is nothing to say she isn't a huge tease that flirts but stops at that because of how much Gin hurt her when he left her. It is possible that she and Gin were still an item when he 'abandoned' her to be with Aizen in Hueco Mundo ... That revelation might put her in a slightly different light in Szayel's (and others) eyes once it is known. This could make her emotionally vulnerable in the eyes of others once it is discovered that her flirting is a way to cover her inner pain and heartbreak.

    How the females, especially those with little to no experience, are treated may affect their stress levels and affect conception. The personality of the first candidate would probably turn off most guys, however it is possible that different personalities could evoke different feelings in Szayel, with Nemu viewed as the 'head wife' and as such be given seniority and preferential treatment. Due to his own situation (Mayuri's offer that he couldn't refuse) he may empathize with some girls sent to him because they were ordered ... He doesn't know what may happen if they disobey ... And they may be anywhere from nervous to scared almost to death at being sent to him and being at his mercy in a situation they have no control over and which may be entirely new to them.

    Akon is still somewhat nebulous and could go either way at this time so he could help them if the situations merit it, or he could do things to derail the experiment if he is against it, or even simply act as a spy (with voyeuristic tendencies) for Mayuri.

    It hasn't been stated how the volunteers will be housed or treated during the experiment or any other details along those lines.

    It has not been definitively determined that crossbreeding is impossible, it hasn't been tried and only assumed to not be viable.

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  • From JOler on May 23, 2011
    I'm so lovig this. Too bad he's decided to be monogamous ... Perhaps he could find room for one, two or a few more in his, um er uh, heart-starved body who have just the right need of a gentle touch or caring companion. Hmmm ... Perhaps if one admits that her captain drew (decide on number here) names and the selected individuals were given this assignment ... And she, along with a couple of others with 'extra incentive', are obviously very nervous because it's their first time ... (something that might not seem of major importance to a male captian). I'm also wondering if the willingness of the participant or more gentle and compassionate treatment by him (toward the ones not given a choice or who are inexperienced) will make a difference concerning conception rates or how he feels toward them afterward ... Mayuri would be well aware that conception could take several attempts ... And once conception occurs (if it occurs) how are each of the girls treated? Put in isolation like Nemu? Allowed to return to their squadrons with modified duties that are determined by their commanders? Or is their condition noted and more or less ignored except for periodic monitoring and testing? How would Nemu feel about everything if he does start to feel protective and possessive of some of the others as well due to extenuating circumstances? Would Akon be sympathetic with any of them? (personally I think he already is a bit sympathetic toward Nemu and he possibly might be toward some of the others as well - though that first test subject just seems to be a bitchy slut looking for an easy lay because she scared off the few who'd be interested ... ) hmmm what if there's only one or two females in a squadron that supports the experiment (like ... If Rengeku was the only female and that squad supports ... She wouldn't have a choice and may be reluctant but not totally innocent or unwilling ...) and what about Unohana's own squad ... Any participants there (not expecting Unohana's herself to volunteer but ...). Would the moms to be stay together for any reason? Will he find a way to contact Nemu and/or any other moms to be once they've conceived? Will anyone help the parents make a break for it if things get too strained with Mayuri?

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  • From ANON - bleachfan7 on May 22, 2011
    ahhh, i adore unohana--finally, someone who thinks about nemu's feelings and well-being! how will you be able to have szayzel & nemu continue their relationship now that they'll both be under constant scrutiny? seems so unfair that the 2 most starved for any type of caring or affection finally get together & then the floor falls out from under them. like ho y9u are writing szyzel as now possessive/protective of nemu (as much as he can be as a prisoner), even as he's forced to bed others.
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  • From JOler on May 20, 2011
    Hmmm ... I do believe someone has been hit hard by Cupid's arrow but doesn't know it yet ... Probably two someones, since neither is really all that familiar with love. It will be interesting to see how everyone handles the situations coming up. It sounds like Akon might actually be sympathetic to her or both of them at the moment (possibly more so after observing one or both for a while) and a few Captains, while irritated at him having a living Espada in Soul Society, are actually concerned with one or both as well. Wonder how the observers from any/all divisions will respond over time to what is happening. It will be interesting to see if Szayel and Nemu actually get the chance to become a loving nuclear type family (Szayel seems the type more than Nemu to me). It will also be interesting to see if there are any other 'volunteers' and how they work out ... Would he be possessive and protective if another got pregnant? Would he accept each female carrying his child as a full mate (it is possible - like a lion with his pride of lionesses)? I'm also waiting with baited breath to see who falls into which camp (pro couple/family vs exterminate the espada) and if the various types of support will have any affect on Szayel in the long run (who knows ... It might actually make him a 'good' guy if they find him an alternate food source, since that is their real main issue). I vaguely remember the Espada that first fought Byakuya saying the Espada had feelings and that they mainly hunted the souls for food and that it wasn't fair to be called evil when all they really wanted was to survive.
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  • From JOler on May 17, 2011
    Hmmm ... Interesting developments. Wonder what is really happening with her. Wonder if Akon happened to arrive in time to overhear her announcement to Mayuri in the previous chapter. Glad Szayel took the news better than Mayuri did, nice to see he has sort of a nice side. Wonder if he will at least try to rescue her. Wonder how others will react once they are aware of her condition, either through rumor or from actual observation (running tests or just natural development over time). Will any others try to help her? Will Mayuri force Szayel to act as a stud-bull even if he doesn't want to? Will he possibly run similar tests with any other captive arrancars? If there are other captive arrancars will Szayel be able to find them and enlist their aid to rescue his pregnant mate? Oh so many possibilities ... Love how this is going (always nice to see that the bad guys aren't ALL bad, and vice versa). Who is in charge of Soul Society now?
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  • From JOler on May 15, 2011
    It appears that Mayuri definitely isn't thrilled about her unauthorized experimental activity (kinda possessive and abusive isn't he). I can hardly wait to see Szayel's responses to her condition and to how she has been treated (since he saw the fresh bruise). If he takes a personal interest or becomes more protective/possessive of her and she is no longer permitted access to him ... How would he respond (especially if she is getting closer to delivery)? How will the leaders view her condition? I wonder if they will find that shinigami and hollows/arrancars are actually very similar to each other ... Like different races and not different species ... And are therefore completely compatible afterall and enable both groups a better chance of survival if both are experiencing reduced birth rates or other low genetic diversity issues.

    I can hardly wait to see what happens next. So glad the last review helped inspire more on this plot bunnie. I'd love to see how all affected parties handle the impending childbirth ... And the appearance of the offspring (one or more surviving children).
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  • From JOler on May 14, 2011
    Wonderful fic. I'd love to see a follow on chapter or two dealing with the changes in how they respond to each other after this visit; especially if she did get pregnant due to not using protection. I'm curious whether she'd become a target for experimentation once her condition and the father of her baby are determined by her commander. Or would it be possible that her actions have been secretly noted on hidden surveillance equipment and she is subsequently ordered to continue in order to monitor his responses and the potential for controlled genetic manipulation of new DNA into the shinigami genome. (could so see The captain wanting to experiment with the mixing of new DNA strains and combinations). Would one or both happily go along with his wishes or would either balk at the request. Would other potential mates, for different DNA combinations of course, be sent to him; leaving him to feel like little more than a stud-bull once all other tests have been completed? Is Szayel the monogamous type or would he prefer multiple female partners (not necessarily meaning a threesome/moresome but seeing Nemu in the morning and Isane in the afternoon perhaps). Would he be protective of his perceived mate (prior mates of his could have died already due to the hazardous environments of Hueco Mundo) or is he more like a tom-cat that takes no interest once he's gotten her pregnant. Seeing his and her psychological changes to her pregnancy and the eventual arrival of the baby/babies would be interesting. Personally I know what I'd like to see but it would be nice to see your interpretation of the unfolding events. Also would he temporarily go for several partners before settling for one or two, or if he takes multiple partners would he view them as his private harem and be possessive of each?
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