Hedging The Bet | By : TentacleFan Category: Bleach > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 35658 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I do not own Bleach or any of the related characters, locations, etc. I make no money off of this work. |
Hedging The Bet
A Bleach Erotic Fan-Fiction
Chapter 1 : Soi Fon's Gamble
Disclaimer : This is a work of erotic fan-fiction aka smutty porn. I do not own or claim ownership of or make any profit off of any of the characters or other elements contained within the story. This work is intended for adult readers only and contains graphic adult content and some violence. This includes rape. If you are offended by such things please do not continue any further. It is a work of fiction and the author does not condone acts of violence or rape in any non fictional way.
Author's Notes : This Bleach fan-fic is the result of a story idea from Nomo from Hentai Foundry. He and I developed it into the story before you. Special thanks to him for suggesting it and helping to craft it into the story before you.
The seemingly perpetual night sky hovered overhead as Soi Fon stood upon the tall rock pillar in the blighted otherworldly desert that made up the landscape in Hueco Mundo. Around her stood numerous other such pillars, each of which towered over a hundred feet in height from the white sands below. The captain of the 2nd Division did not like this place, she did not like the mission, and she certainly did not like who had sent her on it. Kisuke Urahara was not on the short list, nor any list, of her favorite people. She still blamed him for Yoruichi disappearing from her life so long ago.
Yet here she was on a secret mission only he and she knew about. She had only accepted it because he had insisted it would obtain vital intelligence which would be necessary in the days to come. The rascal Urahara had snuck her into Hueco Mundo and told her where to go and who she would meet. She didn't trust this contact even more than she didn't trust Mr Hat & Clogs. From what he had told her she was meeting with a Menos Class Hollow of some variety. Most likely an Adjuchas class. He hadn't been clear on the matter exactly. For all she knew this might be an Arrancar she was meeting with. Urahara had insisted that this Hollow would provide the information he needed if she made contact with him. Begrudgingly she had accepted his word and gone along with the plan.
Soi Fon had not noticed yet the figure standing on the nearest rock pillar behind her. He had made his approach with a superhuman quickness and silence which caught her unaware. He appraised the captain who stood before him. Her long black hair hung behind her tied into two braids each of which was wrapped in white ribbon and each of which had a gold ring dangling from the end. She wore her captains uniform which consisted of a sleeveless white haori over her black robes with a yellow obi sash around her waist. Further down she wore white socks and black slipper style shoes over her feet. The unseen figure frowned at the sight of her uniform. He found it covered far too much of her body in his opinion. He wondered what delights waited beneath those layers.
Despite this thought he was still here to see the pretty and petite captain. The figure used sonido to suddenly appear opposite Soi Fon appearing now in front of her. She was caught off guard by the sudden appearance and the booming sound that accompanied it even though she had been expecting her contact to meet her here. “Halt! Who goes there?” Her hand fell to her zanpakto, ready to draw it if the intruder proved to be a threat.
“Hey now, no need for threats. I'm here to meet you after all.” He could see in her cool gray eyes she was the serious type. She had a cute face despite her severe nature however.
Soi Fon eyed the man carefully. He appeared human in appearance. He was of slightly above average height, probably 6'1” or 6'2” she guessed. He seemed to be in fit shape but not remarkably so. He had short black hair and light brown eyes. If not for his manner of dress he could pass for a young man in his late teens or early twenties from earth. He wore a long white coat which zipped in the front and hung down past his knees. Around his waist was a black belt. Beneath it he wore a pair of white pants. The only other obvious oddity was a piece of white material which seemed to run along the back side of his head like a ridge. It was several inches tall and ran from ear to ear. This looked much like a remnant of a hollow's mask. She guessed him to be an Arrancar though she could not see a number marked on his body. This put her immediately on edge once more. “Again I ask you, identify yourself!” He seemed likely to be the one she had come to meet but until she was sure she would not let her guard down one bit.
Putting his hands up and towards her as if to indicate he meant no harm he sighed. “Fine, that's fair enough. My name is Rureauxus. You can call me Rux though. Kisuke Urahara told me to meet here. You must be Soi Fon then?” She nodded to indicate he was correct.
“And why should I trust a hollow?”
“Hey! I'm not with those other guys. I don't want anything to do with their plots. Urahara wanted information and I just happen to have it. That's all.”
She let her hand slip from the hilt of her sword. She still didn't trust him one hundred percent but he was saying the right things. “So give me this information he needs so I can get out of here.”
“Not so fast now. I can't just hand over the information like that.” He was defiant, crossing his arms as he stared at her.
“Why not?” She was clearly irritated as she questioned him.
“You have to beat me at a race first. We have to test your shunpo versus my sonido!”
“I have to what?!” She was obviously not amused. One eye twitched as she spoke.
“What? You didn't hear me? You have to race.”
“And why exactly do I have to race you?” She felt a migraine coming on. Was he playing games with her?
“Because I say so. It's my price for selling out my kind. I think it's only fair we wager on it. If you win I give you the information Urahara wants so badly. Deal?” He stuck out a hand as if to shake.
“Right. And if you should win?” She was irritated at this new wrinkle to the mission but wasn't going to agree to anything without hearing the other side of the wager.
“Hmm, good question. I've decided then. If I should win you have to strip naked and let me see that sexy body of yours! I know you're hiding it beneath that captains uniform!” As he spoke he pointed at her and his voice had a distinctly pervy tone about it.
“Wha-at!? Never!” Soi Fon's eye twitched again and she blushed slightly at the suggestion.
“Aww, come on!”
“No! As if I'd do that for some hollow.”
“Then I can't give you the information I guess.”
“Hey! I came all the way here for that. I have to bring it back!” She couldn't bear the thought of failing and what Urahara would say if she didn't bring back the data. The thought of him smugly gloating over her failing in a simple task really irked her.
“Well... It's hardly fair but I'll agree to one additional stipulation. I'll give you everything I planned on giving you whether you win or lose. But if I'm faster and you lose you have to strip. Unless you're scared I'm faster than you that is.” He said it mockingly, with a big shit-eating grin on his face as he called into doubt her abilities.
Soi Fon's dander was truly up. Faster than her? Not likely she thought. She couldn't admit to herself anyone was faster than her. Well, Yoruichi of course, but other than her no one could outrace her shunpo she thought. Arrancar or not.
“You're on! Prepare to eat dust! Where are we racing to?”
“Over there. That rock pillar at the far end of these columns. First one to reach it wins. No weapons, this is a fair race and neither of us will need to attack the other.” He pointed over towards a pillar which was on the outer edge of the stone columns.
Soi Fon nodded, her countenance serious in the face of this challenge to her capabilities. Drawing her zanpakto she suddenly drove the blade into the ground so it stood upright. Then in the blink of an eye she was out of her robes and haori, holding them in one hand as they fluttered in the wind. Casting them at her zanpakto they caught upon the hilt and flapped in the breeze like a flag. Rureauxus smiled as he looked upon her. He liked this look much better.
The black uniform of the commander in chief of the Onmitsukidō was quite sexy. The top of the outfit only covered her front leaving her back and shoulders bare. Her toned abdomen could be seen on the sides and her perky smallish breasts peeked out a bit to either side as well. Skintight black armbands ran from halfway up her biceps to right above her hands. The lower portion of her uniform was a pair of baggy black pants with side gaps too wide to merely be called slits on either hip. Around her waist was still her yellow obi sash and seen in those side gaps on either hip were the white strings that held up her fundoshi style undergarments. She could tell he was checking out her body and scowled at him in response.
“This is a race not a staring contest. Let's get on with it so I can beat you and get out of here!” Soi Fon did a few stretches and then stood at the ready.
“You're in such a hurry to strip for me. Delightful!” The laughter that came after his statement could only be described as giggling.
“Grrr” Soi Fon gritted her teeth as she looked at the hollow disdainfully.
“Very well. Let the race commence. See you at the finish line!” There was a momentary blur of motion around his body and a booming sound before he appeared right next to her. Then it began.
Summoning up all her skill Soi Fon willed herself forward. In a flash she was no longer atop the stone column. She was like the wind, like light even, as she flashed forward to another pillar ahead of where she began. To anyone watching they would see the beautiful captain appear and disappear only to reappear once more further ahead. Her skill was flawless. There was no way she'd lose this race. Not with her modesty on the line. A captain would never let the words of an enemy distract her. Once or twice she glanced back to catch sight of Rureauxus struggling to keep up with her. He was quick but nowhere near her skill level Soi Fon thought to herself.
That changed suddenly. She was nearing the final pillar. It would only take two more quick leaps and she'd be there. Rureauxus was behind her a fair ways when she had last looked back. One more time she glanced back over her shoulder to check her pursuer. There was no sign of him at all. Had he missed his footing and fallen? She doubted an Arrancar would make such a mistake. Still, she just had to reach that last pillar. One more jump should do it and she'd have won this race.
As Soi Fon looked forward once more and prepared to claim victory her jaw fell open. Standing on the final pillar of stone was none other than Rureauxus. She completed her jump in disbelief, appearing next to him. No, she thought, it wasn't possible he could have done it. And yet here he was clearly having reached the platform first. As they stood upon the wide stone plateau that overlooked the impressive eternally night vista of Hueco Mundo she realized just what she had agreed to.
“Well that certainly was fun. You gave me a good workout. Now if you'd be so kind as to strip down and show me that sexy body of yours.” He smiled lasciviously at her, his eyes clearly checking out her chest.
She eyed him angrily. She couldn't help but think he must have cheated and yet she couldn't see how. He hadn't left her sight but for one moment which was when he must have pulled ahead of her.
“No! I can't do that!” She crossed her arms and stamped her foot defiantly.
“I'm disappointed, who'd have thought a Captain of the Soul Reapers would give their word only to renege so easily. Very well then. We're done here. I'll just take my information with me.” He turned as if to leave. Taking a step over towards the far edge of the platform upon which they stood he looked like he was about to leap. Soi Fon felt her pride stung by both his words and the thought of Urahara taunting her with her failure.
“F...Fine. I'll honor our bet. Then you'll give me the information as agreed upon and I'll be on my way.” These words caused him to turn back to face her. He leered once more at her fit and sexy body.
“That's a good girl. Strip and give me a chance to check out the goods. Then after I'm satisfied with my look I'll give you everything I planned on giving you.” His smiled widened though Soi Fon didn't think of it as anything more than the leer he had already been gazing at her with.
Sighing, Soi Fon stretched out her left arm. Her right hand reached to the upper part of her armband and tugged it down her arm till she had peeled the skintight material off. This action was repeated on the other arm so both her lithe arms were bare. Next she slid off both of her slippers before crouching down and slipping off her white socks. Carefully she piled up the clothing as each piece came off, not wanting any of it to be dirtied as she planned on quickly donning it once more. Her yellow obi followed next onto the stack. This left her black uniform, and a pair of white panties, as her only remaining barriers from total nudity.
She had to force herself to take the next action. Gripping the neck of her uniform she tugged the black fabric up and over her head. Once it was not around her neck it easily slid to the ground and she stepped out of the doffed garment. She had quickly cupped an arm over her bare breasts before Rureauxus could truly see the woman's perky smallish-sized tits. Soi Fon dropped the rest of her uniform onto the pile of clothing. Now she was only clad in the white undergarment which concealed her pussy from the prying eyes of the Arrancar. He said nothing about her attempt to cover herself as his eyes fell to the undergarment she wore. The fundoshi panties were a simple string that ran around her hips with a triangle of white fabric in the front and the back. She was relieved he wasn't behind her just now as the triangle was wedged between her taught little ass cheeks. It was bad enough he was able to see the folds of her sex outlined against the white fabric as it clung tightly to her body in the front.
Soi Fon battled once more to keep her word and untied the string on one hip letting the panties flit down to the pile of clothing at her feet. Like with her breasts her other hand shot down between her legs to block her most embarrassing bits from his lusty gaze. Now he cleared his throat.
“Come now captain. No weaseling out of this. Remove your hands and let me see my prize.”
“Ugh, fine. Take your filthy peek and then let me get dressed again dammit!”
As she removed her arm from across her tits they jiggled deliciously. Her small nipples poked straight forward in the cool breeze. She lifted her other hand from between her legs and revealed a clean shaven pussy with a perfect cameltoe where her cunt lips clung together tightly. A light uncharacteristically girlish blush came over her cheeks as she stood revealed completely before this Arrancar whom she had just met.
“Do you want me to turn around or what?” She sounded exasperated. Soi Fon just wanted to get this over with quickly.
“No, that's quite alright. I can see fine from where I'm at. Now spread those pretty little pussy lips for me. I want to see it all.”
She looked down at the ground, feeling sickened by having to obey his whims like this. It was degrading for a captain to be forced to behave like this. Her hand slipped between her legs once more but this time it didn't conceal her nakedness. Instead using two fingers she spread herself for the viewing pleasure of Rureauxus. His eyes almost glazed over as he saw the inside of her cunt revealed. Layers of soft folds glinting with a hint of moistness.
“Satisfied? You got your look. Give me the information and let me go now.” Her voice spoke to her irritation.
“Delightful. Everything I'd hoped it be. More really.” He didn't look up into her eyes to see her glare. Rureauxus was still busily examining her luscious body.
“Come on. Give it to me!” Soi Fon crossed her arms across her stomach and stamped one foot on the ground.
“Very well then. I'm going to give you everything I planned on giving you all along. Now!”
The last word was shouted and clearly not addressed to Soi Fon. Suddenly a presence she had failed to detect until it was far too late jumped her from behind. With a motion so fluid it must have been practiced many a time something was slipped around the captain's throat and locked into place. Immediately she felt a truly unknown sensation. All of her great power she normally possessed was stripped from her. Her ability to sense and control reishi, spirit energy, was cut off. The small red collar had locked it all away inside her.
“There we go. Now you're about as powerful as a garden variety human woman. The feared commander in chief of the Onmitsukidō stripped of both her powers and her clothes.” He laughed long and hard. The sound sent a chill through her body.
As he amused himself with her current position the one who had trapped her from behind wrapped his arms around Soi Fon. She winced as she felt a hand grasp one of her breasts and aggressively play with it. A tortured gasp escaped her lips as fingers cruelly tugged at her nipple. The unseen man's other hand slid across the smooth expanse of her stomach and down between her legs. She grabbed his arm at the wrist with both hands trying to keep him from touching her only to find it was as effective as a child trying to restrain a full grown adult. Her strength was reduced to that of a mortal and whoever was behind her was many times stronger than that.
“Let me go!” She shouted as she desperately fought against the one who had trapped her. Her hands still tugged at the violator's arm as he began to probe her defenseless cunt with a finger. Her body wiggled in his arms as she experienced the feeling of being touched in this most sensitive way. His finger slipped between her tight folds as he stroked up and down her entrance.
“Allow me to introduce my friend here. His name is Rureauxus but you can call him Rux for short.”
The sound was in a strange sort of stereo as Rux who was clearly in front of her spoke in perfect sync with the one who was behind her fondling her body. His voice was exactly the same as well. Soi Fon twisted in his grasp to see Rux's exact twin holding her.
“Don't confuse him for some mere speed clone. My power is much greater than that. I can summon my duplicate and have him operate independently for as long as is required. He is my equal in power, strength, and speed. Perhaps most interesting of all, I experience everything he does. Even now I can feel how tight your pussy is around his finger. Simply delightful. We're going to enjoy breaking you in.”
Everything he said came from both their mouths in perfect unison. It was unsettling to hear how perfectly they sync'd.
“You! You cheated!” Soi Fon realized how he had suddenly been at the finish line in their race.
“Cheated. Ha! I used my natural abilities and didn't attack you once during the race.” As the duplicate behind her continued to hold her in place the original Rux standing before her unzipped his long coat. His body was in good shape with defined musculature. In the midst of his chest was the gaping hole that every member of his species had. The thing that gave them their name of Hollow. He removed the rest of his clothes as Soi Fon wrestled helplessly with his double. Standing there before her his large erection already throbbed. The sight of the sexy captain stripped down had obviously excited his passions.
“You bastard! Don't do this! Let me go! Kill me even! But don't...” She stared him in the eyes as the nude Rux approached her.
“We've got far too many plans for you to kill you. We're going to enjoy you in so many ways.” He grabbed her wrists. As he did his duplicate released her into his creators arms. He stripped away his clothes, which of course were a perfect match for the original Rux's. While his double had removed his clothing Rux had turned Soi Fon around so she faced his duplicate.
“It's so hard to choose between sampling your ass or your cunt first. The nice part is that I don't have to.” He let out a laugh that was matched by his duplicate. The one in front of her lifted her lithe sexy body by gripping her at the waist as the original behind her hooked his arms beneath her knees so she hung upon them. With her weakened strength it was like trying to move a mountain whenever she struggled against his supernatural might. He could manhandle her as he liked and Soi Fon could do nothing to stop him.
“No! Don't!” Her hands tried to cover her orifices as she felt cocks on either side begin to rub against both her ass and the inside of her thigh.
“If only you had your strength back maybe you could save yourself even now. But that collar keeps you nice and powerless.” He taunted.
“That's it!” She gripped the band around her throat and tugged at it with all her strength.
“Foolish slut! Fell right for that one!” He let out a barking laugh. The truth was, the necklace was far too powerful to be wrenched free by her current current mortal strength. It had left her uncovered however and that was all the opening he needed.
Both cocks pressed forwards towards her. Rux felt her soft ass as his tip poked against it. It pressed into the soft flesh and split her ass-cheeks as he closed in. Meanwhile he could feel the sensation of his duplicate's cock as it probed against her unguarded cunt. Soi Fon put a hand on each of their shoulders trying to push them away but it had no effect. Her slit began to part. The cock forced it open and began to slip in.
“No! I've never even been with someone I care about! Don't do this! Yoruichi!” Soi Fon cried out the name of the one she most desired to be intimate with.
“The cat slut can't save you. You're a hollow's cock-sleeve now bitch!” His voice seethed with the excitement as he felt her virgin cunt give way to his intrusion. Thick cock-meat spread her pussy wide open. At the same time his other body's shaft was wedged between tight ass-cheeks and his mushroom tip was poking at her clenched asshole. He had to force his way inside, she was so fucking tight. He could feel her flesh slowly begin to expand and give way to the inevitable. Her o-ring began to stretch against her will and she cried out as she felt his violation.
“Not there! I can't take that big thing inside my ass!” Soi Fon clenched even tighter which was the wrong move since she was getting ass-raped either way. He could feel the already amazing tightness grow even tighter.
“Yes! That's it! Let your slutty little asshole wrap around my cock and milk the cum right out!” There was an audible popping sound as he thrust and rammed his shaft deeper into her. He could feel it all. Pussy and ass wrapped around the cocks and all the pleasure of both at the same time.
“Yes! This is the sensation of raping a captain's ass and pussy at once! So amazingly tight! Just as I knew it would be!” He could feel how her asshole gripped up and down his length squeezing his shaft perfectly as he fucked her bowels for all she was worth. His entire fat long cock was thrusting in and out of her anus each time he plowed her. Meanwhile his duplicate was burrowing into her pussy till his balls slapped against her body with his jabs.
“I can't take it! They're too big! Both at once is too much! Please stop!” She cried out between gasps as she tried to keep a semblance of control.
With just the thin bit of flesh between them Rux could feel the two cocks rubbing against her insides as he ravaged her holes. This added even more exotic pleasure to the dual fucking. Both of his fuck sticks had begun to leak precum copiously. With a bit of lubrication he found he could fuck her harder and faster and her squeals of protest only increased with it. Dripping cunt juices and precum began to ooze out of her coating both cocks with a shiny glaze of wetness that descended down to his heavy swinging ball-sacks. Soi Fon could feel them slapping alternately against her taint as they raped her.
“That's right you Soul Reaper whore. Your holes are for Hollow cum only now. You're my little cum-dumpster!” Her tight little body was pressed between Rux and his clones muscular chests. Sandwiched this way she was overwhelmed by the feeling of their cocks pistoning into her like a machine.
“I feel like I'm going to be split in half! Ohhhh!” Each time he reamed her asshole he was jabbing his cock all the way inside. Her hot little ass was rubbing against his crotch when he bottomed out in her bottom. The tight tunnel that was her anus was perfect for pleasuring every inch of his cock as it invaded her mercilessly.
“Your body won't break. Your mind however will. Once you realize you were meant to be used like this you'll enjoy it as well!” Both of her holes were amazingly tight. A lesser man would have long since sprayed a load of cock-juice inside her. Rux had more control than that, and a desire to sample her yet another way.
With reluctance he pulled out from her ass. It gripped his cock the entire way and a loud wet splorch sound was heard as he pulled his stick out of her. Her butthole gaped wide compared to the narrow clenched hole it had been. He shoved a finger inside and wiggled it around. She squealed as she felt it.
“You'll need a bit more training to be a proper anal whore. Not bad for a first fuck though.” His duplicate knew what to do since they shared a mental as well as physical link. Still holding her aloft and buried in her cunt he got down onto his back on the ground pulling Soi Fon down atop him. His cock had slipped out of her when he had changed position. A trail of precum and her sex juices led from her still spread pussy to his massive erect shaft.
“Enough! Let me go already!” She was still held firmly by the duplicate as she felt Rux's hands grope her ass from behind.
“The fun has just started. After I'm done you still have to meet my friends!” Both the original Rux and his duplicate now pressed their cocks against her. This time their tips both pressed against the folds of her sex together. Soi Fon's eyes went wide.
“Noooooo!” As she cried out she felt it was too late. The cocks pressed against each other at the same time they slid inside her already well lubed up cunt. Even after being worked over and spread by one cock nothing could have prepared the lithe captain for this. She moaned loud and long as she felt her pussy spread like never before.
“Ohfuckohfuckohfuck!” The words ran together as she felt two cocks slipping and sliding against each other and the narrow walls of her pussy as it tried to accommodate the double penetration. For Rux it was a kind of heaven no one but him could ever experience. He could feel both cocks pleasure at being squeezed by her pussy as he ground up against his duplicate's cock.
As much as she hated him for raping her Soi Fon couldn't deny the pleasure her body felt as she was overstimulated. With little warning she felt her body shudder as she orgasmed powerfully. Her tight wet cunt clenched even tighter around his cocks as if to milk the cum from his very balls.
“No longer a captain. You're just a filthy slut who cums from being raped Soi Fon. We're going to fuck you till you're filled to the brim with the cum of a Hollow.” Rux gripped her by the wrists and used her arms to pull her back onto his cock each time he pulled back from inside her. His duplicate meanwhile reached up and groped her tits enjoying feeling the soft little funbags as he continued to penetrate her. This continued on for a manner of minutes through a second orgasm for the beleaguered captain.
Eventually it was more than Rux could take. Her second orgasm sent him over the edge. Both he and his duplicate groaned aloud as they felt their balls churn with cum ready to spray their loads into her. In perfect unison they hit their peak and came as one. Within her both cocks pulsed and throbbed with the influx of spunk as they blew powerful loads of jizz right inside her. Semen sprayed so thick and hard she could feel it as it flooded through her cervix and right into her womb.
“No! Don't fill me with your filthy cum! I don't want it inside me!” It was far too late. She could feel the hot thick fluid swimming inside her. Her pussy and womb flooded completely with it. Duplicate and original alike moaned as he felt his hot seed all around both of the cocks buried inside her. Droplets of the creamy jizm appeared around her slit as it overflowed. They turned into rivulets of cum which flowed down the inside of her thighs or just dripped down onto the duplicate Rux's balls as they pumped yet more cum into her.
Soi Fon collapsed onto the duplicate's chest as Rux let go over her arms. She had been depowered, raped, abused and degraded, and turned into a Hollow's personal cum-bucket. It was all she could do not to break down and cry. Their cocks still pulsed inside her as they pumped the last of what seemed like an endless supply of semen into her.
“That was a perfect first taste. I'm going to enjoy having you around.” Content with emptying the contents two pairs of balls inside the defiled Soul Reaper, Rux and his duplicate pulled out from inside her. There was a sloppy wet sound as the cocks pulled free and dangled there. With nothing to stop up the cum any longer globs of the ball juice began to pour out from inside her. What seemed like gallons of bubbling hot seed poured out onto the ground where it pooled.
Rux's duplicate climbed from beneath the defeated Soi Fon leaving her to lay in the pool of his cum. As the original looked at her laying at his feet with her cunt wreaked by their fun he issued mental commands to his clone.
“Now go and meet with our partner in crime. Take him the information we promised. Make sure and thank him for upholding his part of the deal. Let it be known if he feels like making any more deals I'd be glad to trade for more of his allies. Especially if his dark skinned cat slut were part of the deal. I know he'd never go for that, he only traded this one because he didn't like her. Still, it will be fun to taunt him.” His duplicate nodded and disappeared with a booming sound as he performed sonido leaving Rux and his captive alone.
Soi Fon looked up at him, still fighting back tears. Her eyes spoke for her. What did he have planned next? He smiled wickedly at her as she lay there on the ground before him.
“Allow me to introduce my friends. I know quite a few Hollows who were quite interested to meet you. And fuck you of course. They're quite interested in that as well. Seeing as you're a proper Hollow cum-dumpster, who am I to deny them their fun?” He showily bowed and backed away. As he did Hollows suddenly began to appear on the rocky pillar-top in all manner of sizes and shapes. A dozen of them. They might be regular old Hollows, no threat to a captain-class Soul Reaper. Soi Fon was no longer a captain however. She was fucked, and about to become so again.
Author's Notes : Soi Fon's troubles are just beginning. Look forward to Hollow gang-bangs and more in the chapters to come. Also there will eventually be an appearance by a certain brown-skinned hottie from the Bleach-verse in a future chapter as well. Thank you for reading. Please take a moment to vote up the story, leave a comment or review, or even feel free to write me directly at tentaclefan.adultfanfic@gmail.com. If you're reading this and haven't checked out my other stories already you can find them at : http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296900790&view=story
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