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Reviews for Running

By : EmeraldFalcon
  • From NovaAlexandria on September 03, 2010
    A cute little one shot.

    Now for the wonderful world of Constructive Criticism, which I hope is what you were looking for.

    The flow was well done, full marks there.
    Zanpakuto in the common romanization, but Zanpakutou is also accepted. It's hard when you are going from Pictographs(kanji) to Romanization and often that O at the end of words is spelled OU in many official sources. Arrancars should be Arrancar, just like moose or deer you you don't need the S to plural it.
    The last line was definitely a good one to end on.

    Couple of sentence and spelling errors.

    ...on the planet but hey not like he....

    Should be one paragraph instead of being divided. You are also missing a good number of periods and Sighing should be capitalized as the start of a new sentence. When someone speaks it should also be a new line.

    conferting should be comforting, guessing the fingers snagged the N key instead of the M here
    maniacle should be maniacal, had to ask the BF for the spelling on that one ;)

    Don't worry too much over the sentence and spelling errors, that comes with time and I myself took a long while to figure it out. English is the most messed up language out there and the only reason I am as good as I am now is due to helpful reviews from my readers. I use to use Will instead of Well and Then instead of Than all the time until people pointed it out. Patient and Patience was another stubborn one for me to learn.

    Don't be discouraged and keep on writing. Practice makes perfect ;)

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